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Invoice Financing

Invoice Finance allow SMEs to turn invoices into working capital instead of adding more liabilities into the company’s balance sheet. Rather than being locked into a long term funding contract with Banks, SMEs can utilize their outstanding invoices to obtain working capital. By selecting the appropriate invoices in terms of amounts and due dates the SMEs can fine tune and secure just the right funding they need.

The processing of invoice discounting application is generally much simpler and swifter and It does not require further collateral other than the invoice itself.

Benefits of Invoice Financing

  • Immediate access to funds Instead of waiting for your customers to pay in the next 30 or 60 days.
  • No increase in debt.
  • Flexibility in using the funds.
  • No limit to the number of invoices you can sell

Interested to know how we can assist you?

Contact us now for free consultation and assessment. 

+65 6970 0447